Instructional Materials 2

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WAVE Browser Extension learning objective: 

Demonstrate how to install and use the WAVE browser extension to evaluate possible accessibility problems on a website.

In this unit you will learn how to install and use the WAVE browser extension through WebAIM to keep in mind the accessibility of web materials for different online learners. I have included a link for you to use the WAVE tool should you not have Firefox or Chrome, but I do expect you to understand the benefits of having the WAVE extension within your browser bar. 

Website Resources:

WAVE Browser Extensions:

If you do NOT have Chrome or Firefox, you may use the following web WAVE tool:

Infographic-Web Accessibility for Designers:

Video Resource:

WebAIM Website Overview WAVE Chrome Browser Extension Tool Overview

Assignment Instructions:

Demonstrate how to install and use the WAVE browser extension to evaluate for possible accessibility problems using a website of your choice. Your demonstration can take the form of a blog post, video presentation, infographic, or power point presentation. Submissions are not limited to strictly text-based options, images will be considered as well.

Items to include in your demonstration:

  1. Which browser extension you used (Google or Firefox).
  2. What website you’re using for your demonstration and why you chose it.
  3. Tell us about what errors, features, or alerts arise as well as what suggestions WAVE provides for making the page more accessible.
  4. What do you think about the WAVE browser extension and could you see yourself using it in the future?