Goals & Methods


  1. Students will be able to explain what the WAVE browser extension was designed for and why accessibility is important. (recognition)
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate how to install the WAVE browser extension.(strategic)
  3. Students will be able to demonstrate how to use the WAVE browser extension to evaluate possible accessibility problems on a website. (strategic)


  1. Students can explain what the WAVE browser extension was designed for and why accessibility is important by doing research about WebAIM and WAVE.  Explanations can take the form of text, audio/video, infographic, or any form of multimedia. 
  2. Students can demonstrate how to install and use the WAVE browser extension to evaluate for possible accessibility problems using a website of their choice. Demonstrations can take the form of a blog post, video presentation, infographic, or power point presentation. Submissions are not limited to strictly text-based options, images will be considered as well.